Friday, September 08, 2006

First Teaching job :)

So this morning at 645, my phone rang and it was the lady in Merritt calling me and asking me if I was available to work today! So of course I said yes. She told me it was at the high school and gave me the name of the teacher. So I ran around my house like a mad woman and probably got ready in like 30 min. so I drove to merritt found the high school and went and introduced myself! I found out that I was going to be teaching 2 English 9 classes, and 2 PE 10 classes. For English it wasn't too bad, there were a couple of kids who tried to test me but I wasn't going to let them get to me. For PE I didn't have to teach which was a good thing since I wouldn't have survived! (haha) another teacher who has the same block just took both blocks and I got to observe.. Then at the end of the day in my last block we had a pep rally.. it was battle of the grades. and it was highly entertaining! So I survived my first day which is good... But I am def. not cut out for high school. I mean it is fun, but yah I am happy with my little guys :)

PS Curt thanks for the help :) I know it probably didn't seem like much but just talking to you for those few min, was very useful.

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