Thursday, January 18, 2007

Getting the Winter Blues

I know I have said it before, and I will say it again.... I am getting REALLY tired of this whole winter thing. Yesterday when I got up, it had snowed maybe 2cm or snow. No big deal. This morning I wake up, and it is lightly snowing once again. I didn't get a call.. So I figured I would go out and finish shovelling the driveway for my mom. She only did behind her car so she could leave for work. So I do the other side, and quickly go over her side again. I come inside, have some more coffee, some breakfast and watch tv. I look out the window and the snow is still coming down. My sister has a driving lesson scheduled for 2pm, and is starting to worry because she had not driven in the snow. I said, oh it will be fine. So we watch a little more tv. Just after 11 we decide it is time to get moving. She starts doing chores around the house, and so I looked out the window, and yup it is still snowing. Although now it is getting heavier. So I think to myself well I should get out there and shovel again before my mom comes home. So I go out there, and realize that a lot more snow has fallen than I realized. As I am working away, listening to my ipod Julia comes out and says her driving lesson has been cancelled because the roads are getting pretty bad! Super!! So she was happy about that, and I continued shovelling, and more than once came very close to wiping out. My driveway is like a death trap waiting to happen! One of these days I am going to hurt myself. So the good news is, I am not going to be stuck in Merritt cuz well I am at home. But the bad news is I will eventually have to venture out in this awful weather to hang out at good old CT. Lucky me. I am so finished with winter.. I am ready for spring!

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