Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween

Well it is hard to believe that it is already October 31st. I dont' know where the time has gone... As a child, today is an exciting day because you get to dress up and be whoever you want to be, whether it be a super hero,or a princess, or some sort of animal, and go door to door collecting candy from the neighbors! As we get older it is still fun to dress up. It is the one day for us as adults (or young adults) can be a kid again, and let out their inner childhood. Or in the words of some of my friends, it is the one day of the year when they can get away with dressing slutty and not have anyone comment on it! In previous years I would go to the KRC halloween dance every year.. Dress up and party with the rugby guys. And on the 31st I would be home to help hand out the candy. But during the two years I lived in Prince George I missed on both of these events. The first year we had a halloween party in class where I got to dress up as the characters from Grease.. which was fun.. I am home this year, so I am kind of exicted about handing out the candy and seeing the joy in all the little ones eyes, and see all the adorable costumes. I myself did not and most likely will not dress up this year, but I will enjoy seeing everyone else who is!

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